e2 Young Engineers Australia

Young Engineers Enrichment Programs

Young Engineers enrichment programs provide an engaging, hands-on learning experience. Our kits have been designed by our research and development team. The students use the kits to build exciting models and robots and they learn that education can be fun.

Students from all over the world have participated in our unique, enriching edutainment programs. In each lesson, we teach theories that are related to science, technology engineering and mathematics. Our students understand these theories through building our exclusive LEGO® bricks models. Our Young Engineers leave our courses with a sense of achievement, and with the tools to maximize their everyday education.

4-6 years-old

Unique alternative learning enrichment program introduces pre-school aged children to scientific concepts through hands-on experiential learning

1st-5th Grade (Elementary School)

Stories, demonstrations and LEGO® spark imagination and critical thinking

4th-8th grade
OR Young Engineers’
Bricks Challenge graduates

Advanced enrichment program providing hands-on experience that will equip students with 21st century skills

6th-9th Grade

Exploring the world of robotics from a professional engineering perspective